District Deployment Model
A key theme from the 2024 Budget community consultation process was the need for greater engagement and officer visibility in communities city-wide, particularly at the neighbourhood level where residents live, work, and play.
To address public concerns and to help Enhance Community Safety and Build Trust and Stronger Relationships from the Board Strategic Direction 2027, the OPS has developed a new District Deployment Model that will identify and respond to priorities unique to Ottawa's vast neighbourhoods and communities.
One neighbourhood’s needs vary significantly from another’s, especially when comparing the needs of urban, suburban, and rural communities.
The primary focus of the District Deployment Model is to serve each community better and work with City Councillors and their Community partners to resolve issues identified in their Wards.
Communities and neighbourhoods will benefit from the transition to a district policing model as they will have more direct, open lines of communication to officers who understand the unique complexities and requirements of individual neighbourhoods, improved access in terms of how the OPS connects with the community, and the ability to participate in how District priorities are identified.
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