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Update: Statement on Recent Hate-Motivated Incidents in Ottawa
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday November 1, 2023 2:15 pm
To all Ottawa Residents:
In the past days and weeks several concerning hate-motivated criminal incidents including graffiti, vandalism, hate mail, threats and a potential threat to public safety (later deemed unfounded through investigation) have been reported to police.
These incidents have targeted Jewish and Muslim community members in Ottawa.
Hate speech, symbols and other hate-motivated incidents are unacceptable. Those incidents can have a lasting impact not only on those who have been targeted, but throughout the neighbourhoods and communities where they occur.
The Ottawa Police has zero tolerance for hate-motivated incidents. The Hate and Bias Crime Unit fully investigates all reported incidents. We will prosecute those who commit hate crimes to the full extent of the law.
Police remain in close contact with community leaders and institutions and we understand the concern in the community. An increased presence of police will continue and remain in place at demonstrations and areas of religious and cultural significance.
We thank members of the community for reporting this information, which allows our officers to investigate and take action.
Anyone that has been a victim of what they perceive to be a hate-motivated incident, or anyone who has witnessed or has information related to an offence, is urged to contact police.
A report can be filed by calling 613-236-1222, pressing 1 for English, then 2 to connect to the Communications Centre, or filing a report online at ottawapolice.ca/report. A reminder that third-party reports are accepted for hate crimes.
Anonymous tips can be submitted by calling Crime Stoppers toll-free at 1-800-222-8477 or at crimestoppers.ca
Eric Stubbs
Chief of Police
Media Relations Section
Tel: 613-236-1222, ext. 5366
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, October 19, 2023 11:14 am
To all Ottawa residents:
As the local impact from the ongoing conflict in Israel and Gaza continues to intensify, the Ottawa Police remains fully engaged with our local Jewish and Palestinian communities.
We are listening and we hear you. Emotions are high as days go on and families remain worried about their loved ones.
I want you to know that the Ottawa Police is committed to ensuring everyone’s safety.
Police presence has been increased in areas of cultural and religious significance and will remain in place during these uncertain times.
Thousands of people have demonstrated in Ottawa and around the world over the last week. I want to thank communities here in Ottawa for demonstrating in a peaceful manner.
We expect that assemblies will continue. Police will continue to attend these events to protect the safety and security of our community.
Our intelligence and investigative units continue to work with federal and provincial police and security partners to monitor the ongoing situation.
There is currently no credible information about threats locally, but I want you to know we remain vigilant.
No one should live in fear. The increased number of hate crimes, and hate-motivated incidents, are concerning. We continue to encourage anyone who witnesses or experiences such incidents to report them to police. We will prosecute those who commit hate crimes to the full extent of the law.
Hate has no place in our city.
Eric Stubbs
Chief of Police
إلى جميع سكان أوتاوا |
إلى جميع سكان أوتاوا: مع الزيادة المستمرة لحدة التأثير المحلي للصراع الدائر في إسرائيل وغزة، لا تزال شرطة أوتاوا منخرطة بشكل كامل مع مجتمعاتنا اليهودية والفلسطينية المحلية. نحن نستمع لكم ونسمعكم. نعلم أن المشاعر متأججة بمرور الأيام ولازالت هناك عائلات قلقة على أحبائها. أريدكم أن تعرفوا أن شرطة أوتاوا ملتزمة بضمان سلامة الجميع. لقد زاد وجود الشرطة في المناطق ذات الأهمية الثقافية والدينية وسيظل قائماً خلال هذه الأوقات المضطربة. قام الآلاف في أوتاوا وحول العالم بالتظاهر خلال الأسبوع الماضي. أود أن أشكر مجتمعاتنا على أنها قامت بالتظاهر بطريقة سلمية. نتوقع أن تستمر التجمعات، سيواصل الشرطة حضور هذه الأحداث لحماية سلامة وأمان مجتمعنا. وتواصل وحداتنا للاستخبارات والتحقيقات العمل مع الشرطة الاتحادية وشرطة المقاطعات والشركاء الأمنيين لرصد الحالة الجارية. لا توجد حالياً معلومات موثوقة عن تهديدات محلية، لكنني أريدكم أن تعرفوا أننا لا نزال يقظين. لا ينبغي لأحد أن يعيش في خوف. إن العدد المتزايد من جرائم الكراهية، والحوادث التي ترُتكب بدافع الكراهية، أمر مثير للقلق. نواصل تشجيع أي شخص يشهد أو يتعرض لمثل هذه الحوادث على إبلاغ الشرطة عنها. سنحاكم أولئك الذين يرتكبون جرائم الكراهية إلى أقصى حد يسمح به القانون. لا مكان للكراهية في مدينتنا. إريك ستابس Eric Stubbs رئيس الشرطة |
לכל תושבי אוטווה |
לכל תושבי אוטווה: על רקע התעצמות ההשפעה המקומית של העימות המתמשך בישראל ובעזה, משטרת אוטווה ממשיכה לשמור על קשר שוטף עם הקהילה היהודית והקהילה הפלסטינית המקומיות. אנו מקשיבים ושומעים אתכם. הרגשות גוברים ככל שהימים חולפים ומשפחות ממשיכות לדאוג לשלום יקיריהן. אני רוצה שתדעו שמשטרת אוטווה מחויבת להבטיח את הביטחון של כולם. הגברנו את הנוכחות המשטרתית באזורים בעלי משמעות תרבותית ודתית ונמשיך לקיים אותה בתקופת אי הוודאות הזו. בשבוע האחרון, אלפי אנשים הפגינו באוטווה וברחבי העולם. ברצוני להודות לקהילות שלנו באוטווה על כך שקיימו הפגנות ללא אלימות. אנו מעריכים שאנשים ימשיכו להתאסף. המשטרה תמשיך להפגין נוכחות באירועים האלה כדי להגן על הבטחון של הקהילות באוטווה. יחידות המודיעין והחקירות שלנו ממשיכות לעבוד עם המשטרה הפדרלית, המשטרה המחוזית ושותפינו בנושאי ביטחון כדי לנטר את המצב השוטף. כרגע אין מידע אמין על איומים מקומיים, אולם אני רוצה שתדעו שאנו ממשיכים לשמור על ערנות. אף אחד לא צריך לחיות בפחד. העלייה במספר הפשעים והתקריות שמקורם בשנאה מדאיגה. אנו ממשיכים לעודד כל מי שחווה תקריות כאלה או היה עד להן לדווח עליהן למשטרה. אנו נתבע לדין במלוא חומרת החוק כל מי שמבצע פשעי שנאה. בעירנו אין מקום לשנאה. אריק סטאבס מפקד משטרת אוטווה |
Media Relations Section
Tel: 613-236-1222, ext. 5366
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, October 12, 2023 9:05 am
To all Ottawa residents (also available in Arabic and Hebrew below):
The Ottawa Police Service remains deeply concerned about the local impact of the ongoing conflict in Israel and Gaza.
We understand how the conflict there has affected the Jewish and Palestinian communities and many others here in Ottawa. We are fully committed to community safety, and we are actively engaged with our local Jewish and Palestinian communities to hear, understand and address their concerns and ensure their safety.
Our intelligence and investigative units continue to work with federal and provincial police and security partners and monitor the local situation. There is no credible information about threats locally, but we remain vigilant.
We have increased police patrols and presence in areas of cultural and religious significance, and we will maintain open lines of communication with community leaders.
We continue to see peaceful assemblies of residents and we will be there to protect individuals and their rights.
There is zero tolerance for hate incidents or hate crimes in Ottawa. We will investigate any reports of hate motivated offences, incidents, or acts.
We encourage anyone who witnesses or experiences such incidents to report them to police.
We are a diverse community. In times like this it is important that you know we are here to support the safety of all individuals within Ottawa. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you need assistance.
Paul Burnett
A/Chief of Police
Media Relations Section
Tel: 613-236-1222, ext. 5366